Apr 29, 2022
Andy teaches the meat boiz about McGruff Houses. Dan profiles a professional funeral crasher. Nam remembers his neighborhood molester. All our guests have tv credits.
try not 2 cum.
Apr 22, 2022
Andy plays some clips from the 80's. Dan shares his JFK TERF theory. Tyler researched global conflicts. Sasha Rosser joins us to share about her wedding. all our guests have tv credits.
try not 2 cum.
Apr 15, 2022
Andy hits a financial barrier. Dan hears Thoia Thoing for the first time. Nam buttercups is coworker. Tyler shares about a recent spd shoplifter sweep. All our guests have tv credits.
try not 2 cum.
Apr 11, 2022
Andy goes full middle fingers on a guy. Dan gives his empathy to Questlove. Nam is playing video games again. Tyler is following the new cannabis law proposals.
Apr 1, 2022
Andy deals with a revolt on the block. Dan is saddened by tik tok. Nam attends a work meeting. Tyler had never heard of Elastica. All our guests have tv credits.
try not 2 cum.