Sep 28, 2018
Catch an interesting development in Andy's heavily bleeped saga with a Seattle comedy venue. Andy shares a steamy story about an animal in heat. Jump down the timeline for a very steamy story from Nam's dating past. Try not 2 cum.
Sep 21, 2018
This is a heavily bleeped episode. Andy discusses some drama from Seattle's stand up comedy scene. Dan learns about some sexual predators in the area.
Sep 14, 2018
If you're checking out the podcast, this is a great episode to jump in at. Andy shares some VERY personal stories. Listen to Nam's vignette of a tearful moment from childhood. Everyone on this episode has TV credits. try not 2 cum.
Sep 7, 2018
Check out his clip from episode 10. Andy (fat) asks some really dumb questions about secret fraternity rituals.